At Te Tahi Youth you will be seen, heard and respected. Whoever you are now, whoever you become – you can be you. We want you to feel safe here so that you have someone you can trust. It’s our mission to help Ōtautahi rangatahi be the best version of themselves. So every day we come to work to be your allies, supporters and champions.
Behind Te Tahi Youth is the Te Tahi Youth Board. We are a not-for-profit organisation with a mission to help Ōtautahi rangatahi be the best version of themselves.
To achieve that, we adopt the values of C-A-R-E.
Compassion: Your wellbeing matters to us so we will go over and above to make sure you get the help you need.
Acceptance: Nobody judges anybody; Te Tahi Youth is an inclusive place where everyone is equal and welcome to be who they are.
Resilience: We stick with you through the good times and the hard times.
Encouragement: Don’t stress about being perfect, as long as you are making progress.
Find out more about our work and the difference we make in our latest annual report.
No matter the reason that brings you to us, we can help.
Our team is made up of doctors, nurses, counsellors, youth workers and social workers. They are highly trained and experienced at helping young people be healthy inside and out. We help you grow and back you 100% while you work towards your goals. And it’s all free.
Our Team
Jo Kirrane
Senior Nurse / Clinical Lead
Kate Struthers
Youth Health Nurse
Ellie McDougall
General Practitioner
Aruni Seneviratne
Sexual Health Doctor
Ben Strong
Healthcare Assistant to Clinical Team
Anastazia Puklowski
Social Worker
Youth Health in Schools
Toby Hilton
Team Lead
Alana Bishop
Youth Health Nurse Lincoln High School / Ellesemere College
Belinda Dennehy
Youth Health Nurse Rolleston College
Beth Lenihan
Youth Health Nurse St Thomas of Canterbury College
Letesha Greer
Youth Health Nurse Rolleston College (maternity leave)
Youth Work / Youth Coaching
Gary Grooms
Team Lead
Matua BJ Rakena
Youth Coach
Michelle McConnell
Youth Coach
Elise van den Brandhof
Youth Coach
Amy Lloyd
Youth Worker
Transition Support (Oranga Tamariki)
Gary Grooms
Team Lead
Nathan Mitchell
Transition Kaimahi
Tiana Hansen
Transition Kaimahi
Therapy / Counselling
Gary Grooms
Team Lead
Hannah McPheat
Chiaki Bolam-Smith
Beth Lenihan
Clinical Youth Practitioner
Employment Support
Simon Britten
Team Lead
Jane Denton
Business Opportunities Broker
Holly Lyall
Employment Navigator / Employment Practice Adviser
Aslyn Brown
Employment Navigator
Emily McLean
Employment Navigator
Holly Washbourn
Employment Navigator
Jessie Pelenato
Employment Navigator
Maggie Tarry
Employment Navigator
Yasmin Ali
Employment Navigator
Caitlin Harris
Employment Navigator
Mace Parker
Employment Navigator
Marianne McLoughlin
Employment Navigator
Administration / Fundraising
Louise Barnett
Clinic Coordinator
Sydelle Faulkner
Operations Administrator
Nia Gardner
Fundraising Manager
Benji Munt
Sarah Boyd
Marketing and Comms
Senior Leadership
Fiona Kay
General Manager
Liz Vincent
Finance and Operations Manager
Gary Grooms
Team Lead
Jo Kirrane
Senior Nurse / Clinical Lead
Simon Britten
Team Lead
Toby Hilton
Team Lead
Te Tahi Youth Board
Dr. Lyndsey Dance
Board Chair - Originally from the UK, Lyndsey has had a rich and varied career in New Zealand and abroad. After starting out as an academic in the field of genetics, she worked as a project manager in a variety of sectors including the arts and humanities, digital production, and the natural environment. More recently Lyndsey has taken up executive leadership roles in Central Government and not-for-profit organisations.
Paige Sullivan
Paige joined the Te Tahi Youth Board in 2019 and established the Te Tahi Youth Committee. She is currently practicing as a Solicitor for Lane Neave’s Commerical Property team, and is a Member of the Institute of Directors. Outside of her legal career, she is an active member of the community and is involved in the governance of a number of organisations across Aotearoa. Her passion for community led her to compete in Miss Canterbury, where she raised $9,000.00 for I Am Hope and ultimately took out the title of Miss Canterbury 2024.
Nick James
Nick has been on the board since 2019 and is a Chartered Accountant with a strong business consulting and management background. Being on the board of Te Tahi Youth allows him to help in the community where it's needed most; the youth of today. He looks forward to using his business knowledge to help continue to grow Te Tahi Youth and sustain the organisation for the future.
Philippa Jones
Philippa joined the Trust Board in March 2023. She has 25 years experience in executive roles predominantly in the public sector including health, social, tertiary education and local government. Philippa has extensive experience in the design and implementation of organisational strategy and improving business performance.
Sarah Eynon
Sarah was born and raised in Whakatū Nelson but moved to Ōtautahi Christchurch in 2019 to study Health Education at the University of Canterbury and has been settled here ever since. She currently works as a Health Promoter in Youth Sexual Health for the National Public Health Service. Sarah has an extensive background in volunteering within the youth sector and is excited to bring her knowledge and experience to the board. Her interest in supporting Te Tahi Youth stems from her passion for removing the barriers rangatahi face when accessing support and health services.
Esther Walters
Esther is currently in her fourth year studying a double degree in law and criminal justice at the University of Canterbury. Alongside her degree, she works as a youth worker in New Brighton, where she coaches basketball and helps run the after-school program. After getting involved in many youth organisations through her schooling in Nelson, her passion for governance and helping young people was sparked. Esther was inspired to join the Te Tahi Youth Board because of the amazing work being achieved for rangatahi hauora in Ōtautahi and because she believes young people are the future. She emphasises that being an active voice at the table is crucial to ensuring young people have a future in which they can flourish.
Te Tahi Youth Story
While today our story involves many exceptional people, it started with just one.
Dr Sue Bagshaw was working at Family Planning NZ, doing all she could to improve access to sexual and reproductive services for women. She found for many women, if they didn’t feel comfortable with their GP, or didn’t have a GP, they didn’t know where to go. She knew something had to change, and her mission began.
Sue researched a youth one-stop-shop model operating in the US and Australia, and she knew she was onto something. She surveyed young people and from that designed a wider youth service. After three years of pitching her idea of a youth one-stop-shop to funders, she achieved success. 198 Youth Health opened. The vision? To provide free, accessible health services for young people.
That was back in 1995 when we were based in the bottom of an historic building on Hereford Street. Today, while the name and people may have changed, our vision hasn’t. We are still here to provide free, accessible, non-judgmental youth health services to young people in Ōtautahi, Christchurch.
Our journey, however, hasn’t been easy. Funding was gained, funding was lost. There have been times we’ve had to close our doors. But we re-emerged better, stronger and more focused that ever before. In 2012 we became 298 Youth Health on Barbadoes Street and then in 2019 we moved to our Bealey Ave site.
And as our journey has evolved, so have our services. Today, we are a truly holistic service. For those young people we work with, we work with the whole person. We offer medical, mental health, mentoring and employment services so whatever they need, we are here.
And what about the future? It’s looking pretty fab. We are now Te Tahi Youth – a name that embraces the entirety of who we are and what we do. And what about Dr Sue? She’s still here. But she’s not Dr Sue anymore. She’s Dame Sue Bagshaw and is our Patron.
And Dr Sue’s latest project? She’s building a Youth Hub for Christchurch. A place to connect multiple youth services including mental health, medical health, education, employment and training, transitional housing, recreation, creativity, and social entrepreneurship in one place. Phew! It’s a big job. But Sue will get it done and we’re excited about the opportunity to be one of the tenants in this amazing new complex.
For more information about the Youth Hub click here.