A massive thank you to the Von Burns Charitable Trust and Kiwi Gaming for two incredible grants we’ve recently received.
The Von Burns Charitable Trust has donated $15,000 to support the work of one of our Counsellors, Susan. Susan’s work is 100% funded through philanthropy and funding grants – meaning without the support and kindness of others – her work wouldn’t be possible.
Youth Development Team Leader Gary Grooms says donations like this make such a huge difference.
“Susan’s service is free and without this support, many vulnerable rangatahi would be unable to access youth-specific counselling from an experienced professional.”
Susan’s service is desperately needed. Over the last three months, she’s supported 49 rangatahi one-on-one. She works with a diverse range of patients. Of these 49 rangatahi, 20% are Māori or Pasifika, and 25% identify as gender diverse.
The most prevalent issues rangatahi presented with were anxiety, emotional dysregulation, childhood trauma, and disordered eating.
“These are challenges Susan has extensive knowledge and experience with which makes her an amazing asset to our wrap-around support on offer at Te Tahi Youth.”
Kiwi Gaming have also generously donated $4,000 to go towards new IT equipment.
Technology is a vital part of what we do here at Te Tahi Youth, and our jobs would be a lot harder without it.
We are so grateful for Kiwi Gaming’s donation, which has gone towards the purchase of new laptops that will be used by our new staff, in particular a new social worker.
“We needed new equipment because we have recently expanded our services and grown our Te Tahi Youth family,” says General Manager Fiona Kay.
“The role of our new social worker doesn’t receive any direct funding or align to a government funding contract so there isn’t anything available to pay for the equipment she needs.
“Getting this grant enables us to equip the social worker with the tools she needs to be able to do her job the best she can, which means everybody wins.”
Thank you Von Burns Charitable Trust and Kiwi Gaming! It’s generosity like this that enables us to keep doing amazing mahi.